© European Union
Exploring social innovation in Italy with FGB: the SEFIT project
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) has always been committed to social inclusion, promoting initiatives that have a positive impact on the communities in which it operates. These include the project ‘SEFIT – Social ecosystems for fair and inclusive transitions’, co-funded by the European Commission under the EaSi programme and managed through an Italian-Irish partnership led by Fondazione Brodolini with the City of Turin, Rethink Ireland and the City of Cork.
The SEFIT project aims to develop new approaches that enhance collaboration between local authorities and social innovations to effectively address the challenges of the twin transition at municipal/local level. Through activities planned between 2023 and 2025 in the cities of Turin and Cork City, the project will support social innovation initiatives that can positively impact the lives of disadvantaged people, ensuring an equitable and inclusive transition and addressing the challenges of digital and green transition.
The activities undertaken will serve as a framework for policy actors interested in using social innovation to address environmental and social challenges, in order to strengthen the social innovation ecosystem not only in Ireland and Italy, but across Europe.
A crucial element of the SEFIT project will be the promotion of local initiatives and cross-sectoral partnerships in order to develop and test new models to promote the social economy and support their implementation through public-private partnerships with local municipalities.
Fondazione Brodolini will be in charge of identifying the twin transition challenges that the city of Turin will face in the coming years, of drafting the Open Call addressed to local stakeholders to collectively address these challenges by providing capacity building paths to the selected beneficiaries, and of drafting reports that will aim to define what measures cities, in collaboration with local stakeholders, should undertake to ensure a green and digital transition that is inclusive and equitable.