© European Union
Exploring social innovation in Italy with FGB: the “Torino changes its libraries” project
Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) has always been committed to social inclusion, carrying out projects that positively transform the communities in which it operates. One of these projects is the one called Turin Changes its Libraries within the Integrated Urban Plan (PIU), an initiative of the City of Turin supported by funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Turin’s main objective is to transform libraries into proper neighbourhood welfare points, facilitating access to culture and promoting the active participation of citizens .
Within the PIU, Fondazione Brodolini and its partner Itinerari Paralleli are accompanying the city of Turin in a process of transformation of municipal libraries through a series of actions, including
- the territorial garrison that provides a listening and information point for citizens, facilitating communication between the community and institutions;
- the construction of the Bogia, a modular cargo bike co-designed with the citizens of Turin that brings culture to neighbourhoods;
- the creation of a diffuse editorial office that will actively involve citizens in documenting the history of their neighbourhoods, enhancing local identity;
- the activation of a group of community caretakers to promote new activities in neighbourhoods
Through these activities FGB and Itinerari Paralleli are actively contributing to the transformation of libraries into inclusive and vital spaces for communities in the city of Turin. This is one of the Social Innovation projects strengthening the ecosystem around the city of Turin.